Thursday, October 15, 2009

3 Easy Waitress Tips For Higher Gratuity

By Robert Y. Corrison

While waitressing can be a lucrative job, you might be wondering if there is something you can do to make your tips or gratuity a bit higher than what you are presently receiving. The answer is yes, for most servers there are simple changes or additions you can make to earn higher tips. I'm going to address 3 of them.

Sometimes we servers become so good and so used to the job that we just go through the motions without realizing that we aren't "performing" like we should be. You can be a very efficient server while neglecting to remember that you are actually in a "show" of sorts. The restaurant patrons are all eyes, including the ones outside of your section. People take notice of things like your smile (or lack of) after serving a table. Or your kind gesture to a fellow employee in need of a little help. Maybe the child who's a little fussy outside of your section could use a little extra attention. Often taking a minute off so to "show off" in a good way can leave a huge impression on those around you. People remember this, they see it and they talk about it. Always remember that you are one of the main characters in a huge "reality show" that's airing live as long as you are on the floor!

Stay away from any negativity and always be positive. It is so easy to slip up and this happens to even the most experienced of wait persons on occasion. For example, you could be wildly busy and a customer could make a comment like: "Wow, you're busy tonight. At least you'll make good tips!" Without thinking, you might innocently respond negatively with something like: "Yeah true, but it's just all going to bills. I never get caught up on those!" That type of response is not necessarily rude, those people aren't mad or offended, it's just negative and negativity is not good for tips. A better response would have been something cheerful like: "Yes, it sure is and I love it every once in a while! Thanks for bearing with me, now what can I get you?" Just stay away from being negative. It can take practice but it becomes second nature after a while. If you try, you'll find that it's quite natural to be cheery or at least neutral!

Know the menu. And I mean inside and out! If you do this you will shine above all the other waiters and waitresses, not only in your restaurant but other establishments too! The customers will quickly take notice of this and reward you with higher gratuity. When you actually know answers about the food on the menu, you become a professional instantly in the eyes of the customer. And professionals command a higher price no matter what profession. Subconsciously this is going through the customers mind and you will surely see bigger tips. You need to know everything about substitutions and what is available. How many ounces is that chicken breast? Is it pre-cooked? Is that butter? Margarine? A blend? Another good thing that will come from knowing the menu inside and out is your cooks will appreciate it! You will understand their position in the back of the house better and will not have to ask them so many questions. You'll be able to make decisions on the spot instead of running to the kitchen, distracting them, then running back to the table. Yes, this is a big one for bigger waitress tips and higher gratuity. If you do nothing else to try to increase your tip earnings, do this!

Are you ready to take action and start earning bigger tips? Often you can see higher gratuity on your next shift with a few simple adjustments to your approach. Get some more great tips for waitresses, waiters and bartenders that can significantly increase your tips. Take a peek right now!

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