Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What is Postcard Marketing? 4 Reasons Why Postcard Advertising is Effective

By Jared Wiener

There many ways in which to market your product or service. Some are more effective than others. Some are more expensive than others. From PPC marketing to Solo ads, you have to first ask yourself if you have the time and money to afford various advertising vehicles. There is an old saying in marketing when it comes to driving traffic to a website. It is as follows, "you can either work for your traffic, or pay for it." In this article, let's discuss postcard marketing.

Below are 4 reasons why postcard marketing is effective and should be incorporated in any marketing mix.

It's less expensive than most advertising vehicles.

When you compare postcard marketing with other advertising techniques, postcard marketing is one of the more cost-effective ways to market your product or service. To minimize costs, you can start with a smaller postcard. Many successful marketers even design and print their own postcards to cut down further on costs. In addition, it's less inexpensive to send out postcards than to send business letters stuffed in envelopes. As you may or may not know, stamps for postcards is less expensive than a regular postal stamp.

Postcards grab the reader's attention quickly.

Receiving a business letter from any marketer, most of the time, doesn't get read because of that extra step. What is the extra step? The recipient doesn't want to bother with opening the envelope. I know. It sounds really lazy but it's the truth. Be honest. Would you sit down in your kitchen and bother opening an envelope from an advertiser? I think not. The only place this letter is headed is the trash.

With postcard marketing, your message is read immediately the very moment the recipient takes it out of their mailbox. Why? Because there's no envelope that needs to be opened. You only have a few seconds to get message across and if you can eliminate the step of opening an envelope, then you increase your effectiveness of that message dramatically.

Tracking the results is easy.

Postcard marketing allows you the opportunity to track the success of your campaign by monitoring the response from your target market. A few ways to do this is by adding a coupon to the postcard so your customer can redeem the coupon when they enter your store. Another way, is by the opt-in form on your website where you can ask how the prospect found your site. Based on your sales with discounts or your opt-ins, you can tell almost immediately if your postcard campaign is successful.

People want to receive postcards.

Research has shown that postcards that are well-designed and have bright colors are eye-catching and in fact, less likely to be thrown out. Furthermore, many people would even go so far as to actually display the postcard on their refrigerator or in their office because it brightens up the room. Make certain that your postcard contains catchy phrases, is well-designed, and has attention-grabbing colors.

Next, if you want to discover and learn how to really create a killer postcard marketing campaign and drive thousands back to your website, then you will want to grab my special free report TODAY.

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