Thursday, October 15, 2009

How to Start a Business and Write a Business Plan

By Richard McMunn

If, at any time, you've considered starting your own business, then this article could be of interest to you. This article is applicable to people of all walks of life who are about to embark on an internet business; one of the most frequently searched business on the internet.

Starting an internet business

Before you go ahead with any plan to start a business it is important to ask yourself; are you a self-motivated person and have you been realistic about the pitfalls? The key difference between an employee and an entrepreneur is the motivation of the individual.

You may well be able to succeed in your own business if you are able to create an idea and then proceed with it without someone else's encouragement.'Risk' is a word that you need to familiarize yourself with. Your new business will have an element of risk. The difference between risk and irresponsibility is that risk is not usually 'business'-threatening.

Irresponsibility, however, generally shows that difficulties have been blatantly overlooked. You need risks to succeed; if one risk fails then you will need to move on to the next. You lose everything when the irresponsibility takes over.

Business Plan

As with any business you need a business plan and an internet business is no exception. The business plan exists for a reason; they are invaluable but beware they can take a few weeks time and a lot of energy, however, it will be worth it as it will encourage you to come to terms with your business idea and also serve as your evidence when applying for a small business loan from a bank.

Your business plan must cover how you will generate income, what your expenses will be, who your competitors are, and most important, what your business does.


You can start a business with your own savings or borrow from a bank. The best and most popular advice is to start the business with your own money since it makes the business much more personal to you and will force you to be strict with your expenditure. It is advisable to avoid borrowing money from family or friends. 99% of the time, you will not be able to pay them back, and if you are able to it won't be for months or even years.

Product Pricing

Proper pricing is the one thing that keeps the business alive. You need to find the happy medium between undercharging and overcharging; research your market and find out what the prices are like.

You could even start with a 'tester or introductory price'; this will give you an idea of how much you should charge for the rest of your products and/or services.


Do not act hastily; it is easy to get excited over the prospect of your new business; however research cannot be skipped, overlooked or rushed. Whether you are researching markets, competitors, finances or marketing methods, it is vital that the research is carried out thoroughly.

On the other hand, it is possible to research too much. Do not remain motionless under the burden and concern caused by research overload. It is easy for you, the prospective business owner to remain just that - prospective. Find a happy medium; plan your research before heading into it. You can then follow your plan and have a set time for when your research is complete

Learn how to start a business and how to write a business plan with this article. How to be a an entrepreneur.

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