Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Selecting the Right English Narration Service

By Miron Abramson

In the busy rat race of the business world, there seems to be never enough time. And as the world rushes on from Web 3.0 to 4.0 we want to make sure our HR or marketing messages are more than targeted - we want them to be well received, to explain our products and services in a way that makes people want to hear more. What you want is simple. You want to grow your business, build your credibility, and keep your audience interested. It is no wonder more and more businesses are turning to English narration services to take their sales, marketing, e-learning, and HR to the next level.

But now that you are interested in boosting your audience impact with English narration services, where do you start? Google, "English narration services"? With no extra time on your hands are you sure you want to blindly search and see how far the rabbit hole goes? No, in today's world we need clear criteria for fast, efficient comparison. This is the face and voice of your business - you need it to be right the first time.

Here are the top 5 criteria for selecting the right English narration service for your business:

1) Diversity in the Talent Pool
If your company could speak, what voice would we hear? You want to make sure that any English narration service you choose has the ability to offer you the "right" voice. This means having a wide pool of available talent to select from - ages and genders.

2) Options, Options, Options
Make sure the English narration service has plenty of options in both the type of work and industry its voice-over supports. The tone and feel of a consumer goods voiceover sounds very different from a medical one. As does the tone and feel of a sales presentation differ from that of a training program.

3) Get Specific
Many companies that offer narration in English do not specialize in the specific needs of businesses. There are plenty of service options, but you want to make sure that the firm you choose has experience specific to business, not just film, radio, and commercials.

4) The Right Reputation
Once you have selected a list of English narration services that meet the above criteria, you will want to confirm their reputation. Is this a company that is going to deliver on time and on budget? Find out what people are saying about this company. The company's website is a great place to start. Look at their client list - are these businesses you know or would want to be associated with? Review previous work - most firms also offer samples of their narration services on their website. Look at their website links - does the company seem serious or are they linking with any variety of website? Do a search online for the name of that English narration service as a way to see what reputation the firm has formed across the Internet, and check with the Better Business Bureau.

5) The Right Price

Most English narration service firms will provide competitive pricing and a rate quote, if you have an existing script or project. Many will also send a sample of what you can expect to hear prior to any payment to ensure you are satisfied with the product. You may expect to pay more for firms that are highly reputable. You may find the relatively minor difference in price worth it to avoid any unprofessional experiences or poorly produced work.

Miron Abramson
Add-Vantage: Global Business Communication

Mr. Miron Abramson is a Senior Consultant and Facilitator for Add-Vantage. The company offers support for business interactions with international partners overseas, and offers a wide range of services to consult people and businesses that come in contact with global partners.

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