Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Why Custom Silicone Wristbands Need to Be a Part of Your Marketing Campaign

By Paul Sung

You do not have to look far and wide to find one of the greatest marketing tools ever conceived. Just look at the person sitting next to you on the train, or at the child walking happily down the street, or even at the man waiting at the bus stand - chances are they will be wearing a brightly coloured wristband. Just about everyone has one, and most of us will wear one of these custom silicone wristbands at some point in our lives.

Be it a bright pink wristband saying you support breast cancer research, or be it a red and white one telling the world you favour a particular football team, or be it a pair of black and a white bands saying you are against racism, it cannot be denied that custom designed silicone wristbands are part of our lives. Even if you do not wear one, there is a better than even chance that someone you know is wearing one of these silicone wristbands right now.

You might see these wristbands on just about everybody these days, but in reality who wears these custom silicone wristbands? And why? What is the reason behind spending money on what looks basically like a large rubber bracelet?

The answer to the very first question is: Everyone. Everyone from celebrities, to sporting figures, to children wear these wristbands. Even your grandmother! It does not matter whether you are in school, working, or retired, anyone and everyone can wear these wristbands.

The 'why' part of the question, the reason people spend money on these wristbands, is for diverse reasons. However, most of these all boil down to one, or two, simple reasons, with the main reason being to help promote, or fund a cause that they believe in. This can be seen in the worldwide phenomena that was, (and still is in fact), the ever popular, yellow LiveStrong silicone bracelet.

People bought these custom silicone wristbands with this strong message of encouragement embossed on them because they believed in the cause that was being promoted; because they hoped and dared to dream that all would come right in the end, that the underdog would one day triumph and a cure for cancer would soon be found; because they believe that what they contribute when buying one of these silicone wristbands will help turn the tide in the favor of human-kind.

This then is psyche behind why people buy wristbands and why so many charitable organizations and research foundations and the like, keep turning to them again and again as a method to raise money necessary for funding - because people are not afraid to stand up and say I believe in this cause, I support what you are trying to do. And I am not afraid to show the world that I care. I will proudly wear these custom silicone wristbands and hope that it will encourage other people to follow in my footsteps so that one day we may be free of poverty, hunger, and disease.

For more information on Promotional Custom Silicone Wristbands visit Here you will find more articles and tips on marketing items as well as a Promotional Products Quick Quotes form where you can conveniently submit your request in one form and get responses from multiple suppliers so that you can find the best price and product for your marketing needs.

1 comment:

  1. Nowadays, young people can find an effective way to promote anything if they opt to implement advantages of Custom Silicone Wristbands as a sign of scholar fashion.
